The Tale of Super Mayor Tiffany A. Henyard

Who is Tiffany A Henyard?

Tiffany Henyard, self-proclaimed ‘super mayor’ is mayor and supervisor of two suburbs in Illinois. She is the youngest female Mayor of Dolton and Thornton Township Supervisor.

Since November 2023, interest in Tiffany A. Henyard has been quickly picking up. Not because she is a trailblazer, making a name for herself in Illinois history due to her good works and political gravitas - but because of her wild antics which are guaranteed to make your jaw drop.  

Why are we speaking about her?

Unlike the people of the Village of Dolton & Thornton Township, we have the luxury of not only ignoring, but also not having our lives impacted by the actions of Tiffany Henyard.

Although, when someone holds an office in such a way that is comical -  can even be compared to Principal Ava Colman from Abbott Elementary - we should probably speak about it.

From having personal DJs in board meetings, to living lavishly on the backs of people in the towns she oversees, to taxpayer money paying for her Hulu subscription - Super Mayor Henyard, has a long list of dealings we will be getting into. 

The Dealings of Mayor Tiffany Henyard

There is a laundry list of the antics of Mayor Henyard and we will be unearthing them bit by bit. But before that, let's paint a picture of the type of leader Tiffany A Henyard is.

Mayor Henyard has been in office since February 2021 and has been responsible for looking after and improving Dolton & Thornton Township for the people.

Her gravitas, empathy and candour seemed to be what gave her a landslide victory in Dolton - a town of 20,000 in their last election - where she secured 82% of votes and was then put into power.

I can only imagine the excitement the people felt when the announcement of their new Mayor was broadcasted, especially with her campaign being underpinned by how she cares.
But this was a very short lived excitement as soon after her election, Mayor Henyard made some very questionable decisions and shady dealings which overtime just continued to multiply.

Just months after being elected, Mayor Henyard hired a registered sex offender, who spent 24 years in prison due to child gang raping, to be the towns code enforcement officer as was reported by the Daily Mail. This act, met with (understandable) fury from constituents, was just the beginning of the lack of care & the self-serving nature of Mayor Henyard and how lightly she takes to her roles. What they may not have known was that this was just the beginning of a 3 year long nightmare that would put the small town of Dolton, Illinois on the world stage.

The Bored-Room

For centuries, a boardroom - and the like, have been used to discuss important matters in the hopes of passing bills and creating policies that can improve towns, cities and the lives of its people. But Mayor Henyard seems to feel as though this needs to change - that the traditional use of boardrooms are boring, generally a waste of time and is in desperate need of an injection of fun. So, if you have the pleasure of showing up to a boardroom she runs, you will see that she is accompanied by her personal DJ that she uses to punctuate her very important points.

In a news broadcast by WCNG - Super Mayor Henyard is shown dressed in all black, beret and thick gold chain, carrying what looks like a stuffed dog saying “every single resident… ” queue DJ who plays *B*tch better have my money” by Rihanna.

And trust and believe, she said what she said and meant what she said, as we will uncover shortly.

Money Money Money Money… MONEY (Issues)

With an annual salary of $270,000 - when the median income in Dolton is $24,000pa, it would be fair to assume that Mayor Henyard is living very comfortably in comparison to residents of Dolton - as she is already earning 11X more than the median income.

Specifically with the lower cost of living, compared to Chicago - the state capital, Mayor Henyard should really have no want as it pertains to finances.
However, even though she is living in a comparatively lower cost town, earning approx $50,000 more than the Mayor of Chicago, having less people in her constituency and subsequently doing less complex work, we are forced to ask ourselves:
- why does the town of Dolton have cash flow issues
- why is there a reported deficit of $5M
- what happened to the missing financial records and
- what is Henyard doing with her salary?

When asked about finances, videos show Henyard shutting the questions down - once stating “I shouldn't have to sit up here and break all this down” and “I don't handle anything as it relates to credit cards”.

Even though she doesn't want to seem to answer questions as it relates to finances, she has no problem petitioning for more money. In 2022, WGN News reported that Henyard organised a charity walk from Dolton to Springfield ( approx 536 miles / 863 km) for her ‘Tiffany Cares Cancer Foundation’ and just days before the walk she was able to convince members of her board to donate $10,000 to the cause.

Now, this part could just be a coincidence..

But some time after the charity walk, credit card records showed that $10,248 was used to pay for hotels along the walking route.

Coincidence? I’ll let you decide.

She *needs* a Security Detail

Henyard is recorded with 6 security detail as she walks the streets of Dolton handing out bottles of water to residents in their homes during a hot day. Seeing Henyard with her detail doing various tasks is something that the townspeople are used to.
During an interview, Dolton Trustee Brittany Norwood was asked if the Dolton police department can afford to have this many officers attached to her detail, which she answers,
“No - we can't, we need the policemen patrolling the streets”.

It was reported that hundreds of thousands of taxpayers dollars are spent per year on her security detail. One of the officers worked 303 hours within 2 weeks, placing his take home pay cheque for those weeks at $13,154.63.

This isn’t just a one off occurrence or something that happens every so often - it's a consistent practice and frankly a misuse of power and a negligent use of resources. 

Mayor Henyard’s Revenge at the Car Show

For the past 8 years, there has been an annual car show in Dolton.
Organisers arrange for vintage and other interesting cars to showcase in a park in Dolton; there is food, music, vibes and it is a well organised and fun event for everyone. The organiser ensured to pay for and secure his permit on time, made flyers, online marketing materials, and secured sponsors - all things that he has done every year for almost a decade. It can also be safe to assume the event takes place around the same time each year as is the case with established, annual events and I'm sure people have the dates marked down in their calendars and are excited for it.

With all of this in place for the 8th year running, Henyard has her “top assistant’ get in touch with the organiser saying that Henyard has requested that he move his event to her location a few blocks away and if he doesn’t, she will be shutting his event down.

Of course, the organiser did not give into the bullying - he stood his ground and continued with the plans for his event as he has been doing (and others have been expecting him to do) for the past 8 years. What came next, he could never be prepared for.
Organisers showed up on the day of the car show to find large concrete barricades blocking the entrance to the park and police personnel threatening to tow any cars that parked there. Effectively shutting down the event which the Park District president stated that Henyard “has no legal authority over park district property and legally could not shut down the event”.

This begs the question of “why”? What does the Super Mayor have against a car show?
It is believed that the reason why she wanted the event to move to her location and the reason why it was shut down when the organiser refused, was due to her not wanting there to be any competition as Henyard was having a House Music Festival just a few blocks away on the same date.

She Said "“B*tch Better Have my Money” Legal or Not!

Citizens of Dolton have reported stating that hundreds of letters were sent out with fines, threatening that if they do not show up to pay them, the amount would go up (double I believe).

What were the fines for? Parking! And various other claims. They claim the citations were completely random and bogus with a senior citizen saying how she was charged $500 for parking in a firelane and if she didn't pay up, the amount would go up to $1000.

Another citizen said that he parked in front of a takeaway - ran inside to pick up his pizza order which literally took 30 seconds and 5 days later he received a $500 parking ticket from the town. In a similar vein, another citizen states that he took someone to the grocery store, the passenger jumped out, he moved the car and 2 weeks later he too received a fine for $500, again on private property.

A senior citizen, potentially having to pay a $1000 ticket for parking in a firelane is quite excessive - for any capital city, let alone Dolton, a town of 20,000. Additionally, a fine issued by the city for private property is not legally enforceable.

As well as these examples of the reported bogus fines, another resident reported getting fined for installing a carpet in their private property without a permit…
I wasn’t aware permits were needed to install carpets within private properties… 

A Dolton Trustee said that he “believes Henyard is trying to make up the $5 million deficit the town is facing on the backs of the people”.

If You’re Not For Her, She Will Have You Removed

The perfect picture of (mild) dictatorship - Super Mayor Tiffany A. Henyard was reported to have locked Thornton Township Assor - a lady who had held that position for the past decade - along with her staff out of their offices. Henyard changed locks and deactivated fobs, so when they showed up for work one morning, they could not access the premises.

What Henyard didn't anticipate was that the people cared about their town and had resolve to continue working to improve the lives of the townspeople. They decided that they cannot be stopped and set up shop in the parking lot, working on trestle tables.

The town assessor believes that the reason for Henyards actions were retaliatory in nature, as she has been vocal about her disapproval of the Super Mayor.

More of Tiffany Henyard’s Antics

The list is long and continues to grow:

I call this the ‘You will not forget me’ Campaign: Henyard is clearly running a campaign to ensure she is constantly top of mind as election season approaches. If you were to visit Dolton today, you will see dozens of billboards, posters, benches, plasters with Tiffany A. Henyards picture.

For things things that make sense such as: “Tiffany A Henyard, Thornton Town Supervisor”  (pictured below)

And things that don't, such as: a Gospel event (pictured below)

Tiffany A Henyard Billboard

And it doesn’t stop with physical marketing; she saw opportunity to spread her message of “I CARE” and “ELECT ME AGAIN” online, posting a distasteful flyer to ‘commemorate’ the victims of 9/11.

Her online antics continue with videos on the ‘Village of Dolton’ YouTube channel. Henyard posted a music video with her and some town workers singing their own rendition of R Kelly’s “Ignition”.

Not a good look after hiring a registered sex offender and writing your own lyrics to the the work of an artist who was cancelled for similar actions. 

Will Super Mayor Tiffany Henyard Stay Another Term?

Best believe she is doing all she can to secure another term. Well, apart from improving the lives of her constituency.

Some politicians have smear campaigns - putting the other side(s) down, others have policies they promise to deliver on (which they never do) but Mayor Henyard saw all of this and said - ‘too much work, too much care, we need to think outside the box’.
So she asked herself the question many politicians ask themselves ‘how can I bend the law to benefit me by all means necessary?’.
And the idea came to her. Her winning strategy.

Henyard got a measure through the Thornton Township board that would surely deter any of her opposition. That policy is this - in the event she loses her bid for reelection this year 2024, Henyard who makes $270,000 put through legislation that cuts her successor's salary to $25,000 per annum, but if she was to stay in power, the salary would stay the same.

We will have to wait to see what the future holds for Tiffany A Henyard and the people of Dolton, but for now, join in the discussion and let us know if you think Mayor Henyard will be reelected.

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